Black Section Separator

The spoilers for chapter 245 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga are here.

Black Section Separator

 Uraume is separated from Sukuna and tries "Frost Calm" on Hakari.

Black Section Separator

Hakari's regeneration surprises Uraume, who compares it to Gojo and Sukuna.

Black Section Separator

Hakari kicks Uraume after slipping out of frozen shoe.

Black Section Separator

Uraume will get serious and not see Hakari as human anymore .

Black Section Separator

Judgeman accuses Yuji of mass murder because of the Shibuya incident. However, Higuruma defends Yuji and says Sukuna is the real culprit. 

Black Section Separator

Sukuna says he’s already aware of how Higuruma’s Domain works . Judgeman proceeds to say Sukuna is guilty and it announces the death penalty and confiscation for Sukuna.  

Black Section Separator

Higuruma thinks Sukuna lost the Ten Shadows Technique during his fight with Gojo. He believes he can use the sword and Sukuna can’t use his Cursed Technique.

Black Section Separator

Higuruma’s assumption was wrong. Only Sukuna’s cursed tool was confiscated, not his technique. Sukuna then hits everyone with slashes.